On my current project I try to learn new web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery etc. When dealing with the different versions of JavaScript-libraries I hit " git " the first time. Almost any library seems to be published using GitHub nowadays. Since we needed a VCS I had the option to take the old Subversion and deal with that system or try the new Git system. Reading about it I was getting more and more curious about it. I liked the idea about a repository on the internet like GitHub , which would give us the opportunity to work in shared teams. So I installed git for testing and made my first tries. After several hours of trying to get connected to GitHub I had to abandon this. I was (and am still) very disappointed: Of course I'm behind a firewall, of course we use a proxy at the company I work at. I tried different hacks about telling git the proxy server etc. Which is by the way a very bad solution since this is stored in a file on your home directory ca...
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